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The Organizer Gal will help you manage your time, money and office or living space more efficiently by working with you and helping you understand why organizing is so important! I guarantee by the time I'm done with your project, you'll be a grateful customer with a clean, stress free work or living environment.


I'll create it, you maintain it! It's that simple!


My background is Accounting and Finance, which is organizing numbers. While in school I organized many folks and their offices, which in most cases needed to be done before I could do their books. Thus, s.o.p's were put into place as well. Everything is private and confidential! Dont be embarrassed about your mess, your dirty secret is private and kept with me.


I will haul away items to your charity of choice. Post on Craigslist or contact the Salvation Army for pick up of larger items. Any items you may want to sell, I'll help you sell it on craigslist or ebay! While we're at it, let's eliminate storage units and save you more money!

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